Short-Let Sh*t Show
Wednesday 28th February 2024
Are leaseholders in your building jeopardising you and your property by short letting their flats?
Seven reasons not to short let your property:
2. Since October 1st 2023 if a house, flat or even a room are let on a short-term basis, the property must fully comply with enhanced fire and safety regulations. For example, 30-minute fire doors and hard-wired smoke detectors in every room are mandatory.
3. Insurance companies cannot offer policies on buildings where properties are short let in breach of planning. If they discover during a claim that it has been happening, they can legitimately refuse to pay out.
4. Most leases on flats prohibit short letting - full stop.
5. Mortgage companies require all rules to be followed and can ‘call in’ a loan where building rules and laws are being broken.
6. General nuisance to neighbours.
7. Wild parties and prostitutes.
London Authorities utterly fail to enforce the 90-day rule and in practice, make it difficult for neighbours and others to push for enforcement.
If you are short-letting your property and on reading the above, realise you ought not to be, do get in touch for a confidential conversation about how you can still get the best out of your property whilst complying with the law.
Alternatively if you are a leaseholder in a building with another who persists in breaching the laws of the land, call me for some tips on how best to deal with it.
Until next time….
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